Sunday 23 June 2024

July Speaker

Our speaker for July is Gill from GillyMac Designs and her talk is called "Doodle your way into confident machine quilting." 

 In 2014 Gill set up GillyMac Designs to teach local children and adults to sew.  Gill quickly won national awards with her children’s classes and was recruited to teach classes for Liberty of London and works nationally for the Quilters Guild of the British Isles. 

Gill’s work has been shown around the UK as part of the GENArt movement, including being exhibited at the Turner Contemporary Gallery.

Over the past 5 years, Gill has expanded GillyMac Designs to four adult weekly classes and three weekly teen classes and the much loved Junior Sewing Bee.  Other classes are developed and fitted into this busy schedule.

Gill has also grown a large vibrant online community on Facebook and Instagram as well as setting up the online GillyMac Club for all her pupils to join and continue to share their work and learn from Gill regular online sewalongs.

Saturday 15 June 2024

June Meeting

Our June meeting was held on 5th featuring Michelle Moody. As well as being a founder member of Quilter’s Guild she is a very experienced quilter herself.  She explained her quilt journey and the stories behind a very large number of quilts that she brought to show us.  One could not fail to be impressed, partly by the sheer size of some of them, but even more by the fact that they were hand quilted.    I myself had never seen so many hand quilted examples in one place!

Michelle had a very easy way of talking, explaining and answering questions.  She belongs to a number of groups and runs many workshops as well as selling her quilts and doing commissions.

Detail of a bought Indian Quilt

Details from Michelle's Quilts

Monday 27 May 2024

June Speaker

 Our speaker for June is Michelle Moody.  Her talk is entitled "My Life in Pieces".

Michelle has been quilting for over 40 years and still enjoys learning new techniques.  She is a well respected teacher of various styles. She's a founder member of the Quilters Guild which was established in the 1980s.  Michelle also belongs to a number of local groups, which meet regularly and like many of us, she admits to having far too many UFOs.  Her website is Rosemary Rabbit Quilts, where she sells her quilts and also takes on commissions.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

May Meeting

 Angela Daymond, with her “ Kantha – 500 Years of Stitch” did not disappoint at our May meeting.

As well as a detailed explanation of Kantha work and the stitches used,  Angela impressed with both her slide presentation and many beautiful really old quilts from her own collection.  The volume of stitching and the effects achieved were eye catching and members were able to examine them closely for themselves.

She also highlighted the therapeutic effect of Kantha work and the popular ‘slow stitching’ and put out a challenge to use the technique to make a cushion cover using a favourite fat quarter which might have been purchased in the past and only stroked and admired up until now.  I think many of the audience recognised such benefits of sewing especially during the lockdown period.

Kathy Francis

Details of Kantha pieces made in South Asia

Angela's beautiful kantha work

Sunday 28 April 2024

May Speaker

Our speaker is Angela Daymond with her talk "Kantha, 500 years of stitch.

Angela is a textile artist and teacher who specialises in kantha stitching and natural dyeing which she loves in equal measure, and she loves to share her passion with others. She was taught to sew by her mother and she loved her children’s Holly Hobby sewing machine. She is rarely found without a needle in her hand and loves being driven to places so she can sit back and stitch. She loves the simplicity of kantha work that you can take needle, thread and fabric, and combine with just one stitch, the running stitch, to create abstract and representational images with lots of texture.

Her first foray into natural dyeing came over 40 years ago when she first deliberately squashed elderberries on to the bottom of a white dress. She constantly loves the surprise element of natural dyeing and uses many plants native to the United Kingdom.

She specialises in using woad, the oldest blue plant dye in Northern Europe.  The inspiration and colour palette from the Fenland environment in which she lives provide constant stimuli for her work, whether she is dyeing or stitching. 

She loves to share her studio space with others and run regular workshops there. The gentle movement of needle and thread and a constant supply of tea and coffee means happy stitchers!

Sunday 24 March 2024

April Practical

The meeting in April is a practical session and we are meeting in the evening.  The project is embroidered felt circles.  You will need to bring with you your hand sewing kit and embroidery threads.  The felt will be available for you to select the colours you would like at the meeting.

The lilac one is the original project sample and took 1/2 an hour.

This was used as the basis for a book cover as shown below and shows the many different ways that you can attach your circles.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

March Meeting

Our March meeting, held on 6th March, was the last afternoon meeting until the Autumn.  It was a beautiful sunny  afternoon and our speaker, Moira Neal, was equally bright.

Her presentation was inspiring and the result of careful planning, it was a detailed explanation of the title "A View from my Kitchen Window and how it inspired a quilt".  The quirky quilt was displayed and the detail astonishing.

Moira's talk was accompanied by pictures she had taken, mainly during "lockdown", and how they developed and were used in the quilt.  The behaviour of creatures in her garden was fascinating.  Lots of practical tips and explanations of techniques were also explained.

Kathy Francis

Moira's Quilt

Moira had a case made with the quilt as decoration 

Moira's Sales Table

The Raffle Table with Moira's donation of a Cat Picture

Saturday 9 March 2024

Dates booked at Ashby Magna Village Hall


Just to let you know that we have booked some dates at Ashby Magna Village Hall

Traverse - Nearly White workshop 
on 25 May 2024  
Charge £30 for members, £35 non-members 

We also have 2 Sit & Sew Days -  Members can bring their own project to work on or spend some time on charity quilts  
30/03/24  and 15/06/24.
Charge £3 for all or part of the day

Thursday 29 February 2024

March Speaker

Our speaker for March is Moira Neal and her talk is entitled "A View from my Kitchen Table and how it inspired a quilt".

When her mother was no longer able to wear her pretty summer dresses, Moira used them to make a quilt. She added torchon lace made by her mother, a skilled lacemaker. Moira has a preference for appliqué and she usually machine quilts in her individual style using black threads, a technique she has taught in workshops. 

Moira Neal is a free machine artist and she loves to up cycle old cotton sheets to use in her work.  She enjoys dyeing, printing, stamping, marbling and appliqueing them to create her own unique cloth.  She no longer makes large bed quilts and now concentrates on making quirky work which she can use for her range of greetings cards. 

Tuesday 6 February 2024


 Please note that there have been changes to the Speakers for 2024.

Friday 26 January 2024

February Meeting


The February meeting will start with the Annual General Meeting.  

All the documents for the AGM are available in the pages section of the blog.  On a computer the pages show at the top right-hand corner of the blog.  On a phone click on the home key and a list of pages will appear.

We are aware that some members are unable to attend an afternoon meeting, if you do have any questions or comments on the AGM business, then we'd like to hear from you - please email so your thoughts can be included in the AGM.

The subscription for this year remains at £30 with visitors still paying £5.   As our insurance requires that visitors can only attend up to 2 meetings a year before joining as members.  It was agreed to highlight this to attendees at the AGM ie visitors are required to join (ie pay the balance of membership subscription after attending two meetings), if they wish to come to future meetings. 

Workshops will be charged at £30 for members, and £35 for non-members. However, more expensive speakers and those providing materials will be £35 for members, £40 for non-members. The Committee have also agreed that we will require full payment up front for future workshops. Due to the high costs involved it’s sensible to ensure they are viable before we go ahead with the booking, which I hope you will understand.

After the AGM we are taking a closer look at the completed travelling books & Jeannie from Quilteeze is the trader.

 We look forward to seeing you all.

Gina Cooke