Friday 20 October 2023

October Meeting

We had an enjoyable evening listening to Pascale's talk and she advised us that although she did not use her artistic skills for her occupation, she has always painted in her leisure time.   About five years ago she acquired a sewing machine and taught herself how to use it and started making quilts and small hangings.  She tried lots of different techniques and fabrics and eventually decided that she liked silk fabric best as when it was painted the results were very vibrant.  She has incorporated her artistic skills, used for painting, into her designs for her quilted pieces. Once the design is created she then uses quilting to enhance her work.

She showed us a number of pieces of work that she has made over the last few years and the detail of the quilting is beautiful and definitely needs closer examination.  At the end of the talk she encouraged us to look her work and was quite happy to let us touch and examine it.

Some photos of her work are shown below.

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