Documents for AGM

 1. Agenda  2. AGM Minutes 2022  3. Accounts 2023 4. Treasurer's Report

Cosby Quilters AGM

1. Cosby Quilters AGM Agenda

5th February 2025, 2.00pm

1 Open Meeting - Chair

2 Health & Safety

3 Apologies for Absence

4 Secretary to read minutes of 2024 AGM

Issued in advance & available on the blog

5 Treasurer's Report

Issued on advance & available on the blog

6 Nomination & Election of new Committee Members

7 Chair's Closing Remarks


9 Close Meeting

2. Minutes of Cosby Quilters AGM  on Wednesday  7th February 2024 at 2pm

Gina welcomed everyone to the AGM in what is our 35th year.

Apologies were received by    Jean Waterfield,  Kathy Frances,  Helen Parker, Janice Cook, Pam Hancock, Yvonne Jordan and Shirley Smith.

Jan read the minutes of the AGM  of 1st February 2023 which had been circulated on the blog. There being no matters arising   she proposed that the minutes should be accepted as read and this was seconded by Jacquie Durber.

Gina presented the Treasurers report [also issued in advance and on the blog] as follows:


The Accounts were presented in the usual format with the key items as follows:

There had been two significant changes in income with an increase of £770  in subscriptions  and a fall of workshop income of just under £500. The overall income however is very similar to last years  with  just £40 more than the previous year.


There has been an increase of workshops expenses [and associated spending] rising from £1066 to £1300 .

The committee agreed to increase the rent of the church rooms to £50 a month to cover increased costs of heating etc, and  also made a donation  of £250 towards the cost of the audio visual equipment installed last year.

Two bursary payments of £50 were made to Anne Cope and Jo Turner.

Although our income has fallen  by £368 our financial overall position remains good with funds of £2712. This means we can still keep subscription charges at £30 for the year.

 As there were no matters arising  Viv Denscombe proposed that the accounts be accepted and this was  seconded by Carole Clarke.

Nominations+ Election of new Committee MembersThere being no new nominations the committee has agreed to stay in their current posts for another year.

 Gina thanked all those presently on the committee for their hard work during the past year

Chairs Closing Remarks

The club had 57 members for the past year with an average of 40 people attending each meeting. Gina thanked Pat for putting together an inspiring programme of speakers and workshops for all to enjoy and take part in. The committee have agreed however members must pay in full prior to booking a workshop. This is necessary in order to see if it is viable to go ahead .

The sit and sew day was a success with 14 attending and more will be organised this year.

Thanks also must go to Viv for organising the travelling books which has been a resounding success.

This years  yarn bomb will be in July this year not August and the theme is Fun and Games with Mischief and Mayhem. Our theme is Beano and Dandy with Sue ,Pat and Jan organising that.

The Big Textile Show is back in October which we are also participating in.


As a final thought Gina went on to say that Cosby Quilters is about the members and the committee would like to thank you the members for their continued support as it couldn’t function as it does without that support.

 There being no other business Gina closed the meeting at 2.19pm.

3. Cosby Quilters Income and Expenditure Account 2024

4. Treasurer's Report for 2024

Issued in advance & available on the blog

You should all have sight of the accounts for the year ended 31/12/24, presented in the usual format - Income and Expenditure at the top and balance sheet below.

I’ll run through them, starting with


Membership and visitor income is slightly down from 2023. Sales table income has risen and raffle income has fallen, but taken together they are on a par with the last year. Workshop income has increased – mainly due to the 3 day summer stitch session which was very popular, we will repeat this again in 2025. Additional income of £153 was generated via the Community Cafe which we managed as part of the Yarnbomb – and was very welcome.


Speaker fees are pretty much unchanged although travel & accommodation has risen by £120 this year as we are look further afield for some speakers along with some local ones too. There was no charitable donation made during the year, but the Committee have agreed that will make one early in 2025, and we will report this to the members.

Increased materials costs include costs for group projects, items for practical sessions and those for sale at meetings and workshops.

The 2024 bursary payments are outstanding and will be paid shortly leaving £200 in the Fund.


starting position £2,712, movement in the year and our final balance stands at £2,890, a small increase on this time last year. Our bank balance at 31/12/24 was ££2,429 and cash holdings were £461, meaning that our funds have risen by £178.

Due to our good financial position we have decided to keep our annual membership fees at £30 and visitors will be charged £5 for up to 2 visits.

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