Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Speaker for March

Our speaker for March is Mary Hart and her talk is entitled "Here is one I made earlier".

Mary is a textile artist.  She has been working in textiles for 25 years.  Her style of working is explorative, experimental and ever evolving as Mary is forever developing more techniques and adding new ideas to her repertoire.  Mary finds that new media and processes fuel her work and she often responds to  a brief in an intuitive way.  Her work is abstract, free flowing and multi layered.  She has a wide range of textual techniques at her fingertips.

Mary is a keen exhibitor and has a large folio in stock.   Mary also offers public speaking.  Her topics are on either techniques and approach or based on textile artwork produced following inspirational travels.

An example of her work.

Friday, 14 February 2025

AGM and Mark Francis

 You might say that Cosby Quilter’s AGM held on February 5th, was a meeting of two halves.

Firstly, the business of the AGM was efficiently dealt with by our Chairman, confirming that 2024 had been a busy and successful year with a good mix of speakers, workshops and traders and our finances are in a good position.

This was followed by a change of focus when Mark Francis, our speaker, treated us to a range of anecdotes about his TV appearances on the popular Sewing Bee.


He had brought some of the garments he had made on the programme but concentrated mostly on the details of how the programme was run and what was required of the participants.

For example, we were unaware that everyone had to plan and make all the garments for the last challenge each week up to the quarter finals before any filming took place.  This meant so many garments were never seen if contestants were sent home before the semi-final.

Mark gave a light-hearted and fluent presentation and was able to reveal a few of the programme’s lesser-known details and answer questions from the audience.

Kathy Francis