Thursday, 24 February 2022

Speakers for later in the year

It has just been confirmed that our speaker in September will be Kate Finlay and she will also be running a workshop  Also Linda Chevell will be the speaker in October.

Gail Lawther's workshop will be on Tuesday 31st May as the Jubilee celebrations will be starting on the Thursday.

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

March Speaker

Our speaker on the 2nd March 2022 is Greta Fitchett.  Please note that the meeting is in the afternoon 2 pm until 4pm.  Her talk is Inspired by Colour this shows how colour has inspired her work with design ideas from many sources.  These include a summer garden, fishing boats, the city of Barcelona, travels to North Africa and South American textiles.  There are some quilts, but also embroidered wall hangings and three dimension pieces.

Her textile history began with garment making skills, continued with creative embroidery, followed by patchwork and quilting. She teaches embroidery and quilt making to adults, writes for magazines, and has 2 books published.

She makes a small journal quilt every month to trial design, materials or techniques. She makes wall hangings using applique, piecing, mixed media and quilting skills, and smaller pieces in machine embroidery. Inspiration comes from modern and medieval architecture, patterns in tiles and textiles, and she uses bright colours.

Examples of her work.



Thursday, 17 February 2022

AGM Minutes 2022

Minutes of Cosby Quilters AGM

on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 2pm

Gina welcomed everyone to the meeting and said how good it was to see so many here today. She then proceeded to go through the relevant health and safety issues.

Apologies were received by Sue Kerridge, Chris Burton, Jean Waterfield, Alison Caputo and Theresa Kane

Jan read the minutes of the AGM of 12th of February 2021 [previously circulated and on the blog] which was held by zoom . There being no matters arising she asked that the minutes should be accepted as read and this was proposed by Helen Parker and seconded by Pam Morris.

Gina presented the Treasurers report [also issued in advance and on the blog] as follows;

There being very little financial activity due to Covid she explained her report would be brief.


The Accounts were presented in the usual format with the key items as follows;

Subscriptions were carried forward from 2020, so with income from raffle and sales this gives a total income for the year of £220.80.


Group insurance was carried forward so there was no charge for 2020. This was renewed in 2021 and we are covered now for the year to 30/06/22

Speaker costs shown are for one speaker only due to the restrictions imposed due to Covid. It is interesting to note that some speakers are moving on to online speaking which may impact on future bookings!

There were no costs for the Church Hall in 2021 as this was carried forward from the previous years payment. Costs for 2022 are expected to return to the usual level.

This year a total of £300 was donated to 2 charities for young people

Rainbows £250 and Zoe's place £50

The costs of refreshments this year is higher than usual as all outdated stocks were disposed of when meetings resumed and it was thought necessary to provide individually wrapped bars.

A bursary of £500 was set up using the legacy from Joan Smith and this sum is included in the accounts; £100 being allocated for two winners in 2021 [not yet spent] with the remaining £400 being awarded in the coming years.

The closing position is a reduction of £486 this year with total funds of £3105. Despite the disruptions of the past two years our financial position remains strong. This enables us to offer membership fees for 2022 as follows;

Renewal for existing members £15

New Members £25

Charges for visitors £5 for speaker meetings and £2 for non speaker meetings

As there were no matters arising Viv Denscombe proposed that the accounts be accepted and this was seconded by Jo Turner.

Nominations+ Election of new Committee Members

Ann Cope is stepping down this year and Vicky Cooper too. The committee and members would like to take this opportunity to thank both of them for their help during the past two years.

Pam Morris was proposed to serve as a new committee member by Pat Screaton and Seconded by Bronwen Leonard.

All other members of the committee have agreed to stay in their current posts for another year.

Gina thanked all those presently on the committee for their hard work during the past year and was pleased to report that they have all agreed to stand again in their present roles

Chairs Closing Remarks

Gina closed the AGM saying that this year, our 33rd year, we had once again been somewhat curtailed by Covid restrictions but that we managed well and adapted to

zoom for last years AGM and monthly meetings until we were able to meet up again in September. She said it had been heart warming to see members again and in particular some new faces and thanked them for their continued support.

Gina explained that the club were formatting a survey as to how to schedule meetings in future and will be asking members for their thoughts on the matter and how meetings and activities can be improved.

Pat is still working on the remainder of the year which will be advertised on the blog when complete.


As a final thought Gina went on to say that Cosby Quilters is about the members and the committee would like to thank you the members for their continued support and enthusiasm, for contributing to group activity and also sharing handiwork at the “Show and Tell .”

There being no other business Gina closed the meeting at 2.19pm. 

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

February Meeting

We held our AGM on the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd February 2022.  

 It was well attended and business went smoothly with reports on the past year, our finances and outline plans for the future.

It was followed by an excellent talk by local textile artist Sandra Jenkins and a much appreciated workshop she led on needle felted brooches.

After a lovely social afternoon everyone had at least the beginnings of an attractive unique brooch.

Examples of Sandra's felting projects.

Everyone enjoying the workshop