Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Cosby Quilters Meeting on 2nd February 2022 - AGM


As the membership has already been informed, for this year, the committee has previously agreed that some meetings, particularly in the winter months would be in the afternoon.  So, the February and March meetings will be in the afternoon starting at 2pm.  From April to September the meetings will be in the evening.  The full programme for the year has not yet been agreed.  This is due to the current situation with Covid.  However, the first four meetings had been set up as follows:

2nd February 2-4pm - AGM - Sandra Jenkins mini workshop re felted brooch.

2nd March 2-4 pm – Greta Fitchett – Inspired by Colour

6th April 7.00 – 9.00 – Philippa Naylor – Quilters Question Time 

If you have any questions that you wish to ask Philippa, she would appreciate knowing the questions in advance.  Please let Gina know your questions well in advance of the meeting.

4th May 7.00 – 9.00 – TBA However,  Julie Chapman will be selling fat quarters and yardage including batiks all at reasonable prices.

We plan to hold a survey for members to give their opinions regarding future events so that everyone will have their say on the matter and help us decide the best way forward.

We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd February.


AGM Agenda can be found below and the two previous posts contain the Minutes from the 2021 AGM and Treasurer's Report and Accounts.

Cosby Quilters AGM

Agenda - 2nd February 2022, 2.00pm


1      Open Meeting - Chair

2      Health & Safety

3      Apologies for Absence

4      Secretary to read minutes of 2021 AGM - Issued in advance & available on the blog    

Matters Arising  -  Propose   -   Second  -  (Record Names and Surnames)

5      Treasurer’s Report  -  Issued in advance & available on the blog

Matters Arising  -  Propose   - Second  -  (Record Names and Surnames)

6      Nomination + Election of new Committee Members

7      Chair’s Closing Remarks

8      A O B

9      Close Meeting

Treasurer's Report and Accounts


Treasurer’s Report - 2021 Accounts

There has been very little financial activity again this year, for reasons which are all well aware of, consequently my report is brief.

The accounts are presented in the usual format, with Income & Expenditure at the top and the Balance sheet below.  The prior year results are shown for comparison purposes – although neither year has been “normal”.

The key items are as follows:


Subscriptions were carried forward from 2020, so nothing of note in this line, although it is pleasing that we have had so many visitors since we resumed our monthly meetings. Along with Raffle and Sales this makes up the total income of £220.80 for the year.


Group insurance was carried forward so there is no charge for 2020, we renewed this as shown in 2021 and are covered for the year to 30/06/22.

Speaker costs shown are for one speaker this time due to restrictions which delayed decisions in this area.  We have also noticed that over the last couple of years speakers are moving on line rather than face to face, which may impact future bookings.                    

There are no costs for using the Church Hall in 2021 as we carried forward the previous year’s payment.  Costs for 2022 are expected to return to the usual level.

This year a total of £300 was donated to 2 charities for young people: -

Rainbows received £250 along with Zoe’s Place who received £50.

The cost of refreshments is higher than usual, as all outdated stock was disposed of   when meetings resumed and we then provided individually wrapped snack items.

We set up a Bursary of £500 using a legacy from Joan Smith, and this sum is included in the accounts; £100 is allocated for the two winners of the 2021 bursary (but not yet spent), the remaining £400 will be awarded and spent in coming years.

The closing position is a reduction of £486 this year, with total funds of £3,105 held by the group.  Despite the disruptions of the last 2 years, our financial position remains strong. This enables us offer membership fees for 2022 as follows: -

Renewal for existing Members         £15 for the year

New Members joining                       £25 for the year

Charges for Visitors                          £5 for Speaker Meetings, £2 Non speaker Meetings

Minutes of the 2021 AGM


Minutes of Cosby Quilters AGM  on Wednesday  17th February 2021

Gina welcomed everyone to this our first AGM by zoom.  As requested by the Quilters Guild who we are insured with, she  proceeded to go through the  relevant health and safety issues.

Apologies were received from Sue Kerridge,  Janice Cook, Jean Waterfield and Shirley Smith.

Jan read the minutes of the AGM  of   the 5th  February 2020 that had been put on the blog. There being no matters arising  she  proposed that the minutes should be accepted as read and this was  proposed  by Vicky Cooper and seconded by Sue Wilson.

Treasurers Report

Gina referred to the fact that the accounts had been put on the blog and asked if anyone had any questions. There being none she  explained  that the group was  in a strong financial position with a balance of £3,591.00  at the end of 31.12. 20 with our spend for the year being only £646 and this included payment for the hall which had been carried  forward to 21/22 year as has the insurance.

Income for the year was £1,770 mostly from  members subscriptions  and a donation of £500  from  our late President Joan Smith. The subscriptions will also be carried forward to the  21/22 year

A  further contribution of £250 in memory of Joan Smith has been sent to “Rainbows”.

. As there were no matters arising, Jacquie Durber proposed that the accounts be accepted and this was  seconded by Brenda Garner.

Nominations for committee.

It was decided that as we have a full committee it was not necessary to ask for nominations this year. Gina thanked all the committee for their support during the last year, in particular Sue Skelton for her work on the blog, Jan and Sue for their involvement in coordinating the yarn bomb, Jo for the work she had undertaken with regard to the banner and Pat for  all her  work in booking, cancellation and rebooking of all speakers  during this uncertain year.  Viv also thanked Gina for all her enthusiasm and her support in keeping things going throughout the past year.

Chairmans Closing Remarks

Gina  remarked that this our 32nd year of Cosby Quilters, had promised great things with superb speakers and workshops  but that Covid had put paid to that. However with the vaccinations came the hope that we may be able to resume in the Autumn with our first speaker booked for September.

 Plans to date are

Yarn Bomb participation with our project being “Harry Potter.”

The Flower Banner being coordinated by Jo

The Blog. There have been various “show and tells “on the blog which Gina hopes will continue.


Joan Smith Bursary.

Joan was a founder member of Cosby Quilters and it was decided to use her £500 donation to enable members to expand their craft skills. To  this end members who wished to participate  would be included in a prize draw with the chance for two  members  each year  to win  a bursary of £50 which they would put towards a training course of their choice   with the proviso that they would come and tell the group about their experience .


Gina closed the meeting at 7.40pm thanking everyone for their continued support during what has been a most difficult year.