Friday, 7 September 2018

Speaker for October Meeting

Carolyn Gibbs has been developing and teaching her own patchwork and quilting designs for over twenty years from her base in Sheffield.  She specialises in traditional style patchwork and loves the variety of blocks available and the changed effect caused by a different choice of layout or fabric.

In her other life she teaches Chemistry and this mathematical and technical interest is perhaps why she love and geometry and precision of patchwork.

She enjoys teaching both beginners and those with experience.  She likes helping students to learn how to improve their techiques so that they get really good results and her patterns include information about her tips.

Carolyn with her quilt entitled "Thunderstorm"

On the Thursday she is holding a workshop entitled "Flutterbyes" see image in the post of 19th July 2018.  There are still spaces available.

September Meeting

What an evening's entertainment we had at our September meeting!

Our Speaker, Lynne Edwards, delivered her talk in such an easy-going and humorous way.

The first surprise was that she showed none of her own quilts.  All of her examples were made by talented quilters whose work she admired and usually purchased from them.

Each quilt came with its own story of how she came to own it, as well as an explanation of the often innovative techniques and development of designs.

Most of all she was able to explain what she admired in each one .

Lynne's love of colour, texture and expertise came up again and again and she obviously had great affection for her quilts.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Jacquie’s Worksop

Jacquie’s workshop is on the 29th September at Ashby
Magna.  See picture below.