July Meeting

Quilt Exhibition
The quilt exhibition at Cosby
Open Gardens was brilliant. The exhibition
was absolutely stunning and everyone who attended was bowled over by the
work. There have been so many positive
comments and words of praise for the exhibits coupled with surprise at the
variety of styles and how quilting has moved on and is now up to date. Many commented on the very clever ladies we
have in the group. One person commented
what a lovely exhibition it was and then realised that there were a great many
more quilts in the church itself.
It looks like we have generated
enthusiasm among some local ladies, and may have some new faces at future
meetings, and hopefully joining the group, which is great news.

Over all we made over £700
which is excellent.
A big thank you to all of you
who gave your time and effort to make the event such a great success.
Photos below for anyone who was unable to attend