Monday, 10 March 2025

March Meeting

A beautiful early Spring afternoon was the backdrop for our March meeting.

Mary Hart, a mixed media textile artist from Northamptonshire, brought many examples from her vast repertoire of textile embellished projects.  We could handle these examples closely and learn how each technique was used.  Inspiration was often from nature, both in the home countries and her travels all over the world.

Images of Mary's work

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Speaker for March

Our speaker for March is Mary Hart and her talk is entitled "Here is one I made earlier".

Mary is a textile artist.  She has been working in textiles for 25 years.  Her style of working is explorative, experimental and ever evolving as Mary is forever developing more techniques and adding new ideas to her repertoire.  Mary finds that new media and processes fuel her work and she often responds to  a brief in an intuitive way.  Her work is abstract, free flowing and multi layered.  She has a wide range of textual techniques at her fingertips.

Mary is a keen exhibitor and has a large folio in stock.   Mary also offers public speaking.  Her topics are on either techniques and approach or based on textile artwork produced following inspirational travels.

An example of her work.

Friday, 14 February 2025

AGM and Mark Francis

 You might say that Cosby Quilter’s AGM held on February 5th, was a meeting of two halves.

Firstly, the business of the AGM was efficiently dealt with by our Chairman, confirming that 2024 had been a busy and successful year with a good mix of speakers, workshops and traders and our finances are in a good position.

This was followed by a change of focus when Mark Francis, our speaker, treated us to a range of anecdotes about his TV appearances on the popular Sewing Bee.


He had brought some of the garments he had made on the programme but concentrated mostly on the details of how the programme was run and what was required of the participants.

For example, we were unaware that everyone had to plan and make all the garments for the last challenge each week up to the quarter finals before any filming took place.  This meant so many garments were never seen if contestants were sent home before the semi-final.

Mark gave a light-hearted and fluent presentation and was able to reveal a few of the programme’s lesser-known details and answer questions from the audience.

Kathy Francis

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Doughty's are coming to whetstone


Please note that the AGM paperwork has been updated and also the follow notice.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

February Meeting

 The next meeting is the 5th February which is the AGM.  The AGM will be followed a talk from Mark Francis of the Sewing Bee.

Please note that details of the year's programme are now available on the speaker's page and workshop page.  There is still some information to fill in but that is all towards the end of the year.

The documentation for the AGM will be put on as soon as it is available.

We all look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

Friday, 22 November 2024

December Meeting

The December meeting is a practical afternoon.  Viv Denscombe will be showing us how to make "Decorated Jars" to be used with a tea light. Example below.

Decorated Jars


Jars/bottles (bring them ready painted with white emulsion paint) or, paint them on the day - just saves time and ensures they’re dry before gluing!

The items below Viv can supply, but feel free to bring your own if you wish:

Picture paper napkins;


Paint/glue brushes

PVA glue (or if you have matte medium)

White emulsion paint

Wet wipes

Pots/plates to hold emulsion/glue

Table cover

Hair dryer

Monday, 18 November 2024

November Meeting

Wednesday 6th November was another of those “grey days” we had become accustomed to for so long but once at Cosby Quilters we were transported to the colourful world of Gilli Theokritoff.

Surprisingly, we learnt she began as a designer of shoes and then knitwear for exclusive London stores and yarn companies.  She followed a City and Guilds Course and in her early sewing days made items for her children but used a limited colour palette.  Once persuaded to embrace colour she has not looked back.

Through her friendly and bubbly personality, she showed her beautiful colourful quilts, many of them being exhibited and entered in competitions.  She even shared the judges’ comments.  Despite her talk being called “Please don’t look at the back” these too were eye-catching.

Some of us had already done Gilli’s kantha workshop in the past and several people seemed interested in one of the workshops she talked about in the future. 

Kathy Francis

Examples of the work Gilli showed us.